*** Log of rvinterf session *** 2015-09-03 (gmtime): [01:10:35] Warning: Rx 1 byte outside of a packet [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Created task nb 0x00000001 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Resumed task nb 0x00000001 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully RVT 0x00010002 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x000A0004 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000002 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Created task nb 0x00000002 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Resumed task nb 0x00000002 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully FFS 0x000A0004 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x000A0010 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000003 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:35] RV 000A0010 5 SPI : spi_set_info: try to init GLOBAL INFO SPI structure ... [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Created task nb 0x00000003 [01:10:35] RV 000A0010 5 SPI_task: Initialization [01:10:35] RV 000A0020 5 SPI: Push Button from OFF to ON [01:10:35] RV 000A0020 2 Start from button [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Resumed task nb 0x00000003 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully SPI 0x000A0010 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x000A0020 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM_build_swe_list: SWE already running, nb: 0x00000003 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000005 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:35] RV 000A0020 3 PWR: pwr_set_info: try to init GLOBAL INFO PWR structure ... [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully PWR 0x000A0020 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x000A0008 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000008 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Created task nb 0x00000004 [01:10:35] RV 000A0008 3 KPD: Initialization [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Resumed task nb 0x00000004 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully KPD 0x000A0008 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x001E0040 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM_build_swe_list: SWE already running, nb: 0x00000002 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM_build_swe_list: SWE already running, nb: 0x00000003 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM_build_swe_list: SWE already running, nb: 0x00000005 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000007 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:35] RV 001E0040 5 Diagnose And Recovery (env). DAR's information set [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Created task nb 0x00000005 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Resumed task nb 0x00000005 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:35] RV 001E0040 3 DAR_TASK started [01:10:35] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully DAR 0x001E0040 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x000A0001 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000006 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Created task nb 0x00000006 [01:10:35] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Resumed task nb 0x00000006 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE initialization success [01:10:36] RV 000A0001 3 R2D REFRESH TASK STARTED [01:10:36] RV 00010001 2 SWE started successfully R2D 0x000A0001 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 5 RVM: Trying to start SWE 0x001E0010 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RVM_build_swe_list: SWE already running, nb: 0x00000002 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RVM: trying to launch Appli nb 0x00000004 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RVM: SWE list built success [01:10:36] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE memory allocation success [01:10:36] RV 001E0010 5 AUDIO (env). AUDIO's information set [01:10:36] RV 00010001 5 RVM: SWE set info functions called [01:10:36] RV 000A0004 2 FFS revision: 0x4202 [01:10:36] RV 000A0004 2 FFS device, driver: 0x89, 0x8855, 17 [01:10:36] RV 000A0004 2 FFS base, blocks: 0x700000, 15 [01:10:36] RV 000A0004 2 FFS format read, write: 0x210, 0x210 [01:10:36] RV 001E0040 2 DAR entity has received wrong file name or the flash is not formatted [01:10:36] RV 001E0040 3 Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = POWER ON/OFF [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 MEM STAT: Total memory required 0x00004AED [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 MEM STAT: Total memory obtained 0x00004BC0 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 MEM STAT: Total memory used 0x00005678 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 MEM STAT: Mem usage ratio : 099.273137^@ [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 *** START DUMPING MEMORY BANK *** [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 **MB_NAME* Id Used_mem Watermark Limit Peak Nb_buff Avg_buf_size [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RVM_PRIM 0 732 1900 2000 992 0 87 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RV_TRACE 59 1656 4000 5000 4996 0 65 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RVM_STACKS 19 8340 8840 8840 8340 0 926 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 FFS_PRIM 38 0 13000 16000 80 0 40 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 SPI_PRIM 39 44 200 256 44 0 44 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 PWR_PRIM 40 48 800 1000 48 0 48 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 KPD_PRIM 41 12 588 788 12 0 12 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 DAR_MB 42 60 512 512 380 0 34 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 R2D_PRIM 43 956 1000 4000 956 0 73 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 AUDIO_EXTE 44 0 512 512 0 0 0 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 AUDIO_INTE 45 480 768 768 480 0 480 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 AUDIO_FFS 46 0 8982 8982 0 0 0 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 RTC_PRIM 47 20 80 100 20 0 10 [01:10:36] RV 00010001 3 TOTAL: ******** 12444********** 48758 16348 [01:10:36] GPF UNK: 54 30 34 38 34 30 30 31 33 53 59 53 54 50 43 4F 20 26 31 30 33 32 32 37 35 39 38 35 [01:10:36] RV 000A0020 5 IQ EXTERNAL [01:10:36] L1: > CPU 3 6 [01:10:36] L1: TST_C 3 L1_1379_120_404_0 DSP:3311h DYN:20f0h CHECKSUM:f49fh [01:10:36] + CHECKSUM before DWNL:3fa0 [01:10:36] + CHECKSUM after DWNL :3fa0 [01:10:36] RV 00144000 5 ATP/GSM : bti_at_init_req has been called by GSM . [01:10:36] RV 00144000 5 ATP/GSM: GSM entity registration succeeded [01:10:36] GPF UNK: 54 30 37 33 41 30 30 32 33 53 59 53 54 50 43 4F 20 41 6C 6C 20 74 61 73 6B 73 20 65 6E 74 65 72 65 64 20 6D 61 69 6E 20 6C 6F 6F 70 [01:10:37] L1: ADC_R 156 [01:10:45] RV 000A0020 5 TIMER3 [01:10:45] RV 000A0020 5 IQ EXTERNAL [01:10:54] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00001031 [01:11:12] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00001FD1 [01:11:31] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00002F71 [01:11:40] RV 000A0020 5 TIMER3 [01:11:40] RV 000A0020 5 IQ EXTERNAL [01:11:49] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00003F11 [01:12:08] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00004EB1 [01:12:26] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00005E51 [01:12:36] RV 000A0020 5 TIMER3 [01:12:36] RV 000A0020 5 IQ EXTERNAL [01:12:44] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00006DF1 [01:13:03] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00007D91 [01:13:21] RV 00000000 1 Riviera System Time=00008D31