I (Michael Spacefalcon) have found MV100-0.1.rar via a Google search on what looked like a Chinese site - and it was via a rather peculiar path. I was looking at the L1 RF code in the recently discovered LoCosto source leak (see the ../LoCosto directory on this FTP site) with an eye toward porting it to the Calypso/Iota/Rita platform - though porting is probably the wrong word - the LoCosto code is obviously an evolutionary descendant of TI's earlier code that ran on the platform of interest to me, and I was looking to see if the old code is still there under an #ifdef or somesuch that I could turn on. My finding was that indeed the source files common to multiple hw platforms have conditional compilation directives, but the files specific to platforms other than LoCosto have been omitted. So I googled for some of the filenames that appear in the L1 source, hoping to find a different version of this source that has the Calypso/Iota/Rita support bits present - and that is how I have found this MV100-0.1.rar package. MV100-0.1.tar.bz2 is my repacking of the same bits in the more freedom-friendly tar format, and MV100-0.1.lst is the file listing of this tarball, so you can see what you'll be downloading before you burn the bandwidth. The original intended purpose of the present package seems to have been the emulator environment included therein - though I haven't looked at that part at all yet. Instead the parts of current interest to the FreeCalypso project are the bits of TI firmware source included therein: although the GSM protocol stack is missing, we see L1 and a bunch of Riviera environment pieces from circa 2004 - i.e., from the days when Calypso was the "current" chipset and TI was using Riviera in the earnest, before they apparently changed their mind for the LoCosto. One piece of interest that I've already found (besides the L1 RF code which will hopefully turn out to be the right version for the Leonardo-style RFFEs in the GTA0x and Pirelli phones - keeping fingers crossed) is the FFS code. The code under ssa/Drivers/Board/ffs/ appears to implement the very same FFS as the one in the Closedmoko and Pirelli firmware - yay!