This directory contains Ultrix V2.00 and V4.20 sources seized and freed by the International Free Computing Task Force (IFCTF). For each version we have a tarball with complete kernel and userland sources, or at least as complete as we have been able to tell. The source tarballs in this directory are the ones sent to us by the agent who has retrieved them without modification except for compression. Each source tarball is provided in two compressed forms. The .tar.Z version is compressed with traditional UNIX compress and can be uncompressed by Ultrix uncompress. For faster downloads we have also provided the same tarballs compressed with 4.3BSD-Quasijarus compress -s. These are the .tar.Z+ files. To uncompress them you must use the 4.3BSD-Quasijarus version of compress, the source for which is available on this site in /pub/UNIX/components/compress.tar The .lst files contain the output of tar tv for each tarball, so you can see what's in them before you download them. After decompression the Ultrix V2.00 source weighs about 80 MB, V4.20 about 120 MB. SE 45 Sim 27 update: We now have the sources for Ultrix 4.3 (or V4.30 if you prefer) too, including the X server and environment with DEC extensions! The tarballs are compressed with bzip2 to save disk space and reduce the load on our network from people's downloads. (In fact the tarballs are exactly as we've received them from the anonymous contributor, including bz2 compression.)