Welcome to the repository of the former MTC Medincom software! Here you will find FDA, FDRec, SteelBox, and all other software that used to be sold by MTC Medincom. How has this software come to be free? As you may know, FDA is a very old program. The last time I did major work on it was three years ago, and everything since then was just bugfixing and minor changes. The same is true for all other software you'll find in this repository. Back when I was actively working on FDA, I was making software for profit under the historical name "MTC Medincom". Then from about two years ago I have decided that making software for profit is very bad and unmoral, and I have converted to free software. All my new works since then are free software. However, FDA and a few other programs remained commercial for a while. These programs were copy-protected, so converting them to free software required actual work. Since by that time I was considering them pretty much as discontinued software, I had just left them the way they had been for years. But now I have realized that if I'm converting to free software, I must convert the former MTC Medincom products as well, and so here they are. You'll find the usable (if you can call them that) distributions in the dist subdirectory and the sources in the src subdirectory. Each has its own README file. Each distribution is a self-extracting archive. Just run it and it will expand in the current directory. If an archive contains subdirectories, they will be created automatically. No special command line options are needed. In the golden days I used not to have to say this, but since a lot of people these days use DOS ports of UNIX software or run DOS emulators under UNIX, I have to remind you that this software is FOR DOS. The self-extracting archives are DOS executables, all text files and messages assume the IBM PC character set, all Russian texts assume the Cyrillic version of the latter character set (recognized by GOST as Alternative), and the line end sequence is . If you want to ask me a question, as of April 1998 my phone number in the USA is 440-449-0299 and my ARPA Internet SMTP mail address is . Keep in mind, however, that all of this software is DISCONTINUED and UNSUPPORTED. Happy hacking! Michael Sokolov