Welcome to the Hack-o-Rocket! The Hack-o-Rocket software suite is a replacement for the original firmware on Copper Mountain's CopperRocket 201 SDSL and IDSL CPE units. The devices in question are long discontinued and the company that made them exists no more; the units to be turned into Hack-o-Rockets are to be obtained from eBay and similar sources instead. The original function of unmodified CR201 units is connectivity to SDSL and IDSL lines of CM's proprietary flavor which the Open SDSL Connectivity Project has nicknamed CM 1483; the Hack-o-Rocket firmware replaces this function of CM 1483 bridging connectivity with two alternative functions: * Connectivity to certain non-CM SDSL and IDSL flavors (most notably Covad) with rudimentary IP router functionality; * Debug and hacking platform. For further information see the extensive documentation provided inside each release package.