public project with MTK baseband firmware project

Wenhui Liu frepig at
Wed Apr 14 05:54:21 CEST 2010

as you mentioned above,these develop boards have no jtag.because of
they are just use for user application develop,not for baseband.i'm
sorry for that!maybe we can find something usefull from the datasheet.
this mail is send from my phone,and my input method doesn't support
uppercases :)

2010/4/13, Harald Welte <laforge at>:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:40:39PM +0000, Wolfgang Spraul wrote:
>> I will try to support the MTK fact and phone finding effort a bit.
> thanks a lot for your feedback and input.
>> Since I am currently in Shenzhen I walked down to the street and bought
>> 3 books with MTK schematics. The stuff is probably online already
>> somewhere
>> but I will try to find phones that have matching model numbers to the
>> ones we have schematics for.
> You can find the MTK reference schematics easily online - but not the
> various actual products that Chinese manufacturers build based on them.
> So those books are probably a really good idea.
>> Next steps for me: Scan the schematics stuff and put it online. Find some
>> 6223/6225 based phones that are cheap & suitable for hacking, i.e. ideally
>> with some nice test points or JTAG.
> yes, JTAG would be incredibly cool.  I really don't understand why the
> P1302 and P1300 are sold as development platform and then
> don't provide JTAG access.  The same company even sells ARM JTAG
> adapters :/
>> Other common MTK chips are 6205, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6226, 6228.
> Yes, I'm aware of them, they all seem to be more or less the same.. but
> since we have seen leaked versions of the 6223 and 6225 SDK, we should
> start with them to have a 'known good' setup.
>> One word of caution - the above lists, and documentation we start digging
>> up, may give a false impression of predictability. In reality the brand
>> names and model numbers are a total mess in China. Typos everywhere. All
>> sorts of things are printed on cases & boxes, chips are changed without
>> anybody noticing or caring. There are endless smaller Chinese brands
>> making
>> phones with 6223 or 6225 chips, but I think it will be very hard to use
>> them as a stable source, to get phones with the same chips over time. So
>> I think it's better to focus on the somewhat bigger Chinese brands as
>> listed above.
> I completely agree.
> Thanks again,
> 	Harald
> --
> - Harald Welte <laforge at> 
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Wenhui Liu
Department of Computer Science,Nachang University

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