public project with MTK baseband firmware project

Harald Welte laforge at
Wed Apr 14 09:36:04 CEST 2010

Hi Wenhui Liu,

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:54:21AM +0800, Wenhui Liu wrote:

> as you mentioned above,these develop boards have no jtag.because of
> they are just use for user application develop,not for baseband.i'm
> sorry for that!

Well, the P1300 and P1302 are based on MT6225, a single-processor
baseband design.  The vendor provides a version of the MTK SDK exactly
for the purpose of adding custom code to the baseband processor of those

And JTAG is very useful for any kind of development.  Even if you do not
touch the GSM stack and only do application development, it is still
useful for those developers to be able to trace through their code...

- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
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