sciphone g2 connector

Alexander Huemer ahuemer at
Thu Dec 16 23:06:49 CET 2010


i want to make a cable for the sciphone g2 that provides serial communication and charging with one connector.
unfortunately the pictures at [1] aren't clear enough for me. i don't want to kill my phone.
actually i count 15 pins in the picture, where mine has only 12.
that's weird. i guess that 2 are just for aligning the case, but that still makes 13 vs. 12.

i tried to ascii draw the connector from the back (soldering) side. the rounded half of the connector on the upper side.
The pins i found described elsewhere on the internet are already marked.

  (                          )
 (                          ) |
(                          )  |
+-------------------------+   |
| |   |   |   |   |   |   |  /
|   |   |   |   |   |   | | /
            ^   ^     ^ ^ 
            |   |     | |
            |   |     | +--- GND
            |   |     +----- GND
            |   +----------- RX  (PC -> Phone)
            +--------------- TX  (Phone -> PC)

could someone please mark the pins that have to be connected for charging ?
i guess one of the two GND pins is involved.

kind regards and
thanks for your time



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