SIM-Max Tech's Super-SIM

Alfonso De Gregorio adg at
Tue Mar 8 20:09:55 CET 2011

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Mad <mad at> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 16:31:47 +0100, Alfonso De Gregorio wrote:
>>> Actually comp128-2 has a 54bit Kc it seems.
>> Have you observed a COMP128-2 implementation returning a 54bit long
>> Kc?, or have you heard about this from somebody else?
>> Can you please disclose more about the SIM model and the operator
>> running this A3/A8 implementation?
> Interesting question, how do we know if it's comp128-2 what is being
> used by a specific operator?

You need to gain access to EFkey. In theory access to this file should
be forbidden. Yet, it already happened in the past to observe failures
in the way the access control mechanism have been engineered - I'd
love to have with me a link to a research about this, but I'm on the
move and can't find it at the moment.

With the card provisioning, operators store in EFkey: the
authentication algorithm identifier, the key value, a key mask, and an
integrity checksum.

The file format is defined by the manufacturer and varies from model to model.

Looking to the GemXplore 3G reference manual is possible to know that
Gemalto assigns the following algorithm identifiers:

COMP128_V1    0x0040
COMP128_V2    0x00F8
COMP128_V3    0x0044

and stores the EFKey quantities according to the following format:

byte# description
1-2      Algo ID of the algorithm to use
3-18     Key value
19-34    Key mask value
35-36    Integrity checksum =( SUM(byte 1… byte 34) XOR FF)(*)

Access to Ki, via other means, would not be sufficient to distinguish
(by keying a reference implementation) between v2 and v3 of COMP128,
unless the SIM card support only one of them. All other authentication
algorithm in use on second generation networks are public or leaked in
the past, namely: COMP128, Milenage 2G, CAVE, DES, 3DES, XOR.

> They can use whatever algo they want - or their equipment vendor provides
> - in their sims and auth infrastructure producing deliberately weakened
> Kcs.

Yes, they can use whatever key derivation they want and deploy in
their SIM cards and core network, indeed. As a matter of fact,
COMP128-v1 itself was not intended to be prescriptive. Telcos were
expected to select their A3/A8 algorithm of choice. Of course they
didn't, as incentives were no incentives to select anything different
from the algorithm considered during the standardization efforts.

>> One more weakened key derivation function (after the first version)
>> would be interesting per se. Still, it would be even more interesting
>> to give a closer look at this obscure cipher we carry in our
>> pockets...
> No question, there still are given out sims weakening the anyway broken
> a5/1.
> Interestingly I observed that operators have mixed occurrence of weak for
> one and non-weak Kcs for another sim.
> Another possibility is that they are able to determine that for all sims
> by choice of the RAND the network sends. So some people, contract-wise,
> phone-wise or regions could be easier tapped than others.
> But it's just speculation...
> The most promising approach after (really) good cryptologists looking at
> in- and output is to open up and grinding down a sim chip and taking
> pictures to reconstruct its logic, as it has been done with mifare etc.
> Aren't there people reading this who are experienced in the latter?

Some alternatives exist to the approaches outlined above. But we would
need a programmable smart card with support for COMP128-v2.
I've found online some resellers and integrators I'd love to inquire.
I'll do it, when I have time.

>> Regards,
>  Mad



  Alfonso De Gregorio
  BeeWise - Security Event Futures -

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