Architecture of oscomBB

nghia phan nghia.phan31 at
Sun Sep 18 10:14:24 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

I'm new to OscomBB and have few questions about its architecture. I have
ordered the C123 and the serial cable. Note: I have OpenBTS running quite
well and would like now to explore the other end.

I did look at the Software Overview page and have the following questions:
a/ where can I log the raw burst (156 bits)? [ not the IQ samples ] on the
PC? on the ARM7?
b/ on the downllink path, how is the FCH detection process split between
dsp, arm7 and PC? ie from raw burst to FCH detection indication and offset
c/ on the downllink path, how is the SCH decode process split between dsp,
arm7 and PC? ie from raw burst to GSM frame number, BSIC etc..
d/ on the downllink path, how is the BCCH decode process split between dsp,
arm7 and PC? ie from raw burst to System Informations...
d/ on the uplink path, how the RACH encode process (RACH_REQ) is split
between dsp, arm7 and PC?

Thank your for your kind answers.

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