rola roladunjoye at
Tue Sep 20 04:00:11 CEST 2011

Hi All,

I have done all what I could in setting up the project and running of it as
indicated in the wiki and mailing list.
It has been over two weeks of trial and error of figuring out of what the
problem is that led me to this conclusion
that OsmocomBB project might not be designed optimally for US GSM Bands (GSM
850/ PCS 1900). The system
could not get synchronised to a frequency when FSBS request is carried out.

I read  from the mailing-list about the possible modification to be done on
the file rffe_dualband.c for GSM band in US in order to resolve the issue of
synchronisation. I made a changed of DCS 1800 to PCS 1900 and yet the output
remain the same with no difference.

Perhaps, I am still overlooking a possible detail that might make the MS not
synchronising. However the power measure is of average -90dBm which I think
might be too low for required level. If there can be anyone with any clue to
resolve or shed more light on this issue I am kindly requesting for

I have my configuration and output as followed:


 OS : Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
 TI- Calypso: Motorola C155 (US Model)
 Cable: PL2303 USB cable
 Tool-chain: Self compiled GNUArm tool-chain based on instruction on
OsmocomBB Branch: Successful installation of both Master and Sylvain branch
with modification to Makefile to enable      transmitting


Running OsmocomBB (Sylvain Branch)

Osmocon Output 1 :

rola at amira:~/test2-osmocom-bb/osmocom-bb/src/host/osmocon$ ./osmocon -p
/dev/ttyUSB0 -m c155
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00  .
got 6 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b f6 02 00 41 01  ....A.
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 40  @
Received PROMPT1 from phone, responding with CMD
file_size=53804, hdr_len=4, dnload_len=53811
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41  A
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 43  C
Received PROMPT2 from phone, starting download
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (4096/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (8192/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (12288/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (16384/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (20480/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (24576/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (28672/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (32768/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (36864/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (40960/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (45056/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (49152/53811)
handle_write(): 4096 bytes (53248/53811)
handle_write(): 563 bytes (53811/53811)
handle_write(): finished
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41  A
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 03  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 42  B
Received DOWNLOAD ACK from phone, your code is running now!

OSMOCOM Layer 1 (revision osmocon_v0.0.0-1111-ge838620)
Device ID code: 0xb4fb
Device Version code: 0x0000
ARM ID code: 0xfff3
cDSP ID code: 0x0128
Die ID code: 7e570d2eb10393bb
Power up simcard:
Assert DSP into Reset
Releasing DSP from Reset
Setting some dsp_api.ndb values
Setting API NDB parameters
DSP Download Status: 0x0001
DSP API Version: 0x0000 0x0000
Finishing download phase
DSP Download Status: 0x0002
DSP API Version: 0x3606 0x0000
LOST 3907!
LOST 3750!

Above output was done with Mobile App not in used.

Running Osmocon with Mobile App.

Mobile App Output 1:

rola at amira:~$ cd test2-osmocom-bb/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/
rola at amira:~/test2-osmocom-bb/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile$
./mobile -i
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 ...
Contributions by ...

License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

<000f> sim.c:1206 init SIM client
<0006> gsm48_cc.c:63 init Call Control
<0001> gsm48_rr.c:5100 init Radio Ressource process
<0005> gsm48_mm.c:1312 init Mobility Management process
<0005> gsm48_mm.c:1035 Selecting PLMN SEARCH state, because no SIM.
<0002> gsm322.c:5023 init PLMN process
<0003> gsm322.c:5024 init Cell Selection process
Warning: Mobile '1' has default IMEI: 000000000000000
This could relate your identitiy to other users with default IMEI.
Mobile '1' initialized, please start phone now!
VTY available on port 4247.
<0005> subscriber.c:567 Requesting SIM file 0x2fe2
<000f> sim.c:209 got new job: SIM_JOB_READ_BINARY (handle=00000004)
<000f> sim.c:697 go MF
<000f> sim.c:241 SELECT (file=0x3f00)
<000f> sim.c:187 sending APDU (class 0xa0, ins 0xa4)

******The above output runs with MS still turned off.

Telnet Output:

rola at amira:~$ telnet localhost 4247
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to the OsmocomBB control interface
OsmocomBB> en
OsmocomBB# sim read 1
OsmocomBB# conf t
OsmocomBB(config)# ms 1
% Unknown command.
% (MS 1)
% No service.

OsmocomBB# sh ms
MS '1' is up, service is unavailable
  IMEI: 000000000000000
     IMEISV: 0000000000000000
     IMEI generation: fixed
  automatic network selection state: A4 wait for PLMN to appear
  cell selection state: C6 any cell selection
  radio ressource layer state: idle
  mobility management layer state: MM idle, no cell available

OsmocomBB# sh support
Supported features of MS '1':
 Phase 2 mobile station
 R-GSM        : yes
 E-GSM        : yes
 P-GSM        : yes
 GSM900 Class : 4
 DCS 1800     : yes
 DCS Class    : 1
 GSM 850      : disabled
 PCS 1900     : disabled
 GSM 480      : no
 GSM 450      : no
 CECS         : no
 VGCS         : no
 VBS          : no
 SMS          : no
 SS_IND       : yes
 PS_CAP       : no
 CMSP         : no
 SoLSA        : no
 LCSVA        : no
 LOC_SERV     : no
 A5/1         : yes
 A5/2         : yes
 A5/3         : no
 A5/4         : no
 A5/5         : no
 A5/6         : no
 A5/7         : no
 A5/1         : yes
 Channels     : SDCCH + TCH/F + TCH/H
 Full-Rate V1 : yes
 Full-Rate V2 : yes
 Full-Rate V3 : no
 Half-Rate V1 : yes
 Half-Rate V3 : no
 Min RXLEV    : -106


**** Clearly above under supporrt command, PCS 1900 and GSM 850 is disabled.
I have no clue of how turn it on.

Osmocon Output 2:

PM MEAS: ARFCN=120, 35   dBm at baseband, -102 dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=121, 41   dBm at baseband, -97  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=122, 40   dBm at baseband, -97  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=123, 41   dBm at baseband, -96  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=124, 41   dBm at baseband, -97  dBm at RF
L1CTL_PM_REQ start=512 end=885
PM MEAS: ARFCN=512, 43   dBm at baseband, -94  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=512, 40   dBm at baseband, -97  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=513, 40   dBm at baseband, -97  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=883, 41   dBm at baseband, -96  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=884, 43   dBm at baseband, -94  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=885, 44   dBm at baseband, -94  dBm at RF
L1CTL_PM_REQ start=955 end=1023
PM MEAS: ARFCN=955, 41   dBm at baseband, -96  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=955, 37   dBm at baseband, -101 dBm at RF



PM MEAS: ARFCN=1021, 43   dBm at baseband, -94  dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=1022, 36   dBm at baseband, -101 dBm at RF
PM MEAS: ARFCN=1023, 41   dBm at baseband, -96  dBm at RF
L1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=872, flags=0x7)
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=1002,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=1000,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=983,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=979,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=966,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=962,
Starting FCCH RecognitionLOST 1885!
LOST 1865!
L1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=958, flags=0x7)
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=957,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=879,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=877,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=876,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=874,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=871,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=867,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=849,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=844,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=839,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=837,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=835,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=828,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=827,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=826,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=824,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=820,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=818,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=817,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=811,
Starting FCCH RecognitionL1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=809,
rola at amira:~/test2-osmocom-bb/osmocom-bb/src/host/osmocon$ 

**** The FBSB yield no result

Mobile App Output2:

<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 648(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 649(DCS) rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 650(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 651(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 652(DCS) rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 653(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 654(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 655(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 656(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))


<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 876(DCS) rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 877(DCS) rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 878(DCS) rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 879(DCS) rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 880(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 881(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 882(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 883(DCS) rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 884(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 885(DCS) rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2912 Done with power scanning range.
<0003> gsm322.c:2790 Scanning power for all frequencies.
<0003> gsm322.c:2851 Scanning frequencies. (955..955)
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 955 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2888 Getting PM for ARFCN 955 twice. Overwriting the first!
Please fix prim_pm.c
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 955 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 956 rxlev -100 (10))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 957 rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 958 rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 959 rxlev -96 (14))

<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 998 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 999 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1000 rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1001 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1002 rxlev -93 (17))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1003 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1004 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1005 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1006 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1007 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1008 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1009 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1010 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1011 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1012 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1013 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1014 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1015 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1016 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1017 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1018 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1019 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1020 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1021 rxlev -94 (16))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1022 rxlev -101 (9))
<0003> gsm322.c:2900 Found signal (ARFCN 1023 rxlev -96 (14))
<0003> gsm322.c:2912 Done with power scanning range.
<0003> gsm322.c:2790 Scanning power for all frequencies.
<0003> gsm322.c:2828 Found 568 frequencies.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 872(DCS) (rxlev -92).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=872(DCS) rxlev=-92 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 40 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=872(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 1002 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=1002 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 30 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=1002
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 1000 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=1000 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 29 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=1000
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 983 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=983 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 28 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=983
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 979 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=979 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 27 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=979
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 966 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=966 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 26 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=966
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 962 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=962 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 25 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=962
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 958 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=958 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 24 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=958
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 957 (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=957 rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch mode
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 23 frequencies left in band 955..124
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=957
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 879(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=879(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 39 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=879(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 877(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=877(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 38 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=877(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 876(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=876(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 37 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=876(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 874(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=874(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 36 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=874(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 871(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=871(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 35 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=871(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 867(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=867(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 34 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=867(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 849(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=849(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 33 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=849(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 844(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=844(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 32 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=844(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 839(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=839(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 31 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=839(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 837(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=837(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 30 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=837(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 835(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=835(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 29 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=835(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 828(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=828(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 28 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.

<0003> gsm322.c:2268 23 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=818(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 817(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=817(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 22 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=817(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 811(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=811(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 21 frequencies left in band 512..885
<0003> gsm322.c:2993 Channel sync error.
<0003> gsm322.c:2998 free sysinfo ARFCN=811(DCS)
<0003> gsm322.c:2734 Cell selection failed, sync timeout.
<0003> gsm322.c:2248 Scanning frequency 809(DCS) (rxlev -93).
<0003> gsm322.c:469 Sync to ARFCN=809(DCS) rxlev=-93 (No sysinfo yet, ccch
mode NONE)
<0003> gsm322.c:2268 20 frequencies left in band 512..885

**** The output displayed cell selection failure. The process repeats itself



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