view src/gpf/frame/vsi_pro.c @ 291:a72feaed133a

PWT buzzer driver: conditionalize on TARGET_HAS_BUZZER Here we add a new target config preprocessor symbol TARGET_HAS_BUZZER, currently defined for c11x and c139; later we also expect to have it on for FC Venus, and in FC Magnetite we are going to turn it on for target dsample, just for the sake of completeness and philosophical correctness.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 26 Mar 2022 19:31:18 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

|  File:       vsi_pro.c
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This Module defines the virtual system interface part
|             about the processes

#ifndef __VSI_PRO_C__
#define __VSI_PRO_C__

/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/

#include "string.h"
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "frm_defs.h"
#include "frm_types.h"
#include "frm_glob.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "route.h"

/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/

/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/

/*==== EXTERNALS ==================================================*/

/* -------------- S H A R E D - BEGIN ---------------- */
#ifdef _TOOLS_
#pragma data_seg("FRAME_SHARED") 

extern void pf_TaskEntry(T_HANDLE, ULONG);

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

#ifdef _TOOLS_
#pragma data_seg()
/* -------------- S H A R E D - END ---------------- */

/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_create        |

  PURPOSE : creates a process


T_HANDLE vsi_p_create (T_HANDLE Caller, SHORT (*pei_create)(T_PEI_INFO const ** info), 
                    void (*TaskEntry)(T_HANDLE, ULONG), T_HANDLE MemPoolHandle )
void (*EntryFunc)(T_HANDLE, ULONG);
T_PEI_INFO const *Info;
T_HANDLE TaskHandle;

  if ( pei_create ( &Info ) == PEI_OK )
    if ( TaskEntry == NULL )
      EntryFunc = pf_TaskEntry;
      EntryFunc = TaskEntry;

    if ( os_CreateTask (NO_TASK, (char*)Info->Name, EntryFunc, Info->StackSize, Info->Priority, 
                        &TaskHandle, MemPoolHandle) == OS_OK )
      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].Flags = Info->Flags;
      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].PeiTable = &Info->PeiTable;
      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].QueueEntries = Info->QueueEntries;
      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].NumOfTimers = Info->NumOfTimers;
      strncpy (pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].Name, Info->Name, RESOURCE_NAMELEN);
      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].Name[RESOURCE_NAMELEN-1] = 0;
      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].TaskHandle = TaskHandle;

      pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].MemPoolHandle = MemPoolHandle;
      return TaskHandle;
  return VSI_ERROR;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_exit          |

  PURPOSE : exits and deletes a process

#define VSI_CALLER Caller,
#define VSI_CALLER_SINGLE Caller
int vsi_p_exit (T_HANDLE Caller, T_HANDLE TaskHandle)
ULONG old_mask;
T_S_HEADER *s_hdr;
ULONG size;

  prim = (T_PRIM_HEADER*)vsi_c_new ( Caller, size, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
  prim = (T_PRIM_HEADER*)vsi_c_new ( Caller, size, 0 );

  prim->opc = SYS_MASK;
  prim->sh_offset = S_HDR_OFFSET(size - sizeof(T_S_HEADER));
  prim->len = strlen(SYSPRIM_EXIT_TOKEN) + sizeof(T_PRIM_HEADER);
  s_hdr = (T_S_HEADER*)((ULONG*)prim + prim->sh_offset);
  s_hdr->snd[0] =(char)Caller;

  if (vsi_gettaskname(Caller,TaskHandle,name) < VSI_OK) 
    return VSI_ERROR;
  /* switch off tracing for Caller */
  vsi_gettracemask ( Caller, Caller, &old_mask);
  vsi_settracemask ( Caller, Caller, 0);
  /* set tracing to old value for Caller */
  vsi_settracemask ( Caller, Caller, old_mask);
  return VSI_OK;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_delete        |

  PURPOSE : deletes a process


int vsi_p_delete (T_HANDLE Caller, T_HANDLE TaskHandle)
  rt_RoutingModify ( TaskHandle, (char*)SYSPRIM_REDIRECT_TOKEN, (char*)SYSPRIM_CLEAR_TOKEN );

  if ( os_DestroyQueue ( Caller, pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle].QueueHandle ) != OS_OK )
    return VSI_ERROR;

  memset ( &pf_TaskTable[TaskHandle], 0, sizeof (T_FRM_TASK_TABLE_ENTRY) );

  if ( os_DestroyTask ( Caller, TaskHandle ) != OS_OK )
    return VSI_ERROR;

  return VSI_OK;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_start         |

  PURPOSE : starts a process


int vsi_p_start (T_HANDLE Caller, T_HANDLE TaskHandle)

  if ( os_StartTask ( Caller, TaskHandle, 0 ) == OS_OK )
    return VSI_OK;
    return VSI_ERROR;


#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_stop          |

  PURPOSE : stops a process


int vsi_p_stop (T_HANDLE Caller, T_HANDLE TaskHandle)

  if ( os_StopTask ( Caller, TaskHandle ) == OS_OK )
    return VSI_OK;
    return VSI_ERROR;


#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_name          |

  PURPOSE : reads the name of a task


int vsi_p_name (T_HANDLE Caller, T_HANDLE Handle, char *Name)

  if ( os_GetTaskName ( Caller, Handle, Name ) != OS_ERROR )
    return VSI_OK;

  return VSI_ERROR;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415)           MODULE  : VSI_PRO             |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : vsi_p_handle        |

  PURPOSE : reads the name of a task


T_HANDLE vsi_p_handle (T_HANDLE Caller, char *Name)

  if ( os_GetTaskHandle ( Caller, Name, &Handle ) != OS_ERROR )
    return Handle;

  return VSI_ERROR;