view src/cs/drivers/drv_app/sim/sim32.c @ 303:f76436d19a7a default tip

!GPRS config: fix long-standing AT+COPS chance hanging bug There has been a long-standing bug in FreeCalypso going back years: sometimes in the AT command bring-up sequence of an ACI-only MS, the AT+COPS command would produce only a power scan followed by cessation of protocol stack activity (only L1 ADC traces), instead of the expected network search sequence. This behaviour was seen in different FC firmware versions going back to Citrine, and seemed to follow some law of chance, not reliably repeatable. This bug has been tracked down and found to be specific to !GPRS configuration, stemming from our TCS2/TCS3 hybrid and reconstruction of !GPRS support that was bitrotten in TCS3.2/LoCosto version. ACI module psa_mms.c, needed only for !GPRS, was missing in the TCS3 version and had to be pulled from TCS2 - but as it turns out, there is a new field in the MMR_REG_REQ primitive that needs to be set correctly, and that psa_mms.c module is the place where this initialization needed to be added.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:23:37 +0000
parents cf882d95c799
line wrap: on
line source

 * SIM32.C
 * Pole Star SIM
 * Target : ARM
 * Copyright (c) Texas Instruments 1995

#define SIM32_C   1

#include "chipset.cfg"

#include "main/sys_types.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "inth/iq.h"
#include "sim.h"

/* working buffer for NULL BYTE */
extern SYS_UWORD8  SIM_dbg_null[];
/* Nucleus variable given the current number of TDMA frames */
extern SYS_UWORD32 IQ_FrameCount;
/* working variable to calculate the TDMA ecart */
extern SYS_UWORD16 SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
/* working variable storing the current number of TDMA frames elapsed */
SYS_UWORD32 SIM_dbg_local_count;

 * SIM_IntHandler
 * Read cause of SIM interrupt :
 * if receive buffer full, read char
 * if transmitter empty, change direction, transmit a dummy char
void SIM_IntHandler(void)
   volatile unsigned short it, i, stat, conf1;
   volatile SYS_UWORD8 ins;
   volatile SYS_UWORD8 rx;
   volatile SYS_UWORD8 nack;
   volatile SYS_UWORD8 nack1;

   SIM_PORT *p;

   p = &(Sim[0]);

   p->rxParityErr = 0;
   it = p->c->it;

   if ((it & SIM_IT_ITRX) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_RX)) // int on reception
      stat = p->c->rx;
      conf1 = p->conf1;

      if ((IQ_FrameCount - SIM_dbg_local_count) > SIM_dbg_tdma_diff) {
	     SIM_dbg_tdma_diff = IQ_FrameCount - SIM_dbg_local_count;
      SIM_dbg_local_count = IQ_FrameCount;

          // Check if reception parity is enable
      if (((conf1 & SIM_CONF1_CHKPAR) && ((stat & SIM_DRX_STATRXPAR) != 0))\
       || ((conf1 & SIM_CONF1_CHKPAR) == 0))
          rx    = (SYS_UWORD8) (stat & 0x00FF);
          ins   = p->xbuf[1] & p->hw_mask;
          nack  = (~p->xbuf[1]) & p->hw_mask;

          switch (p->moderx)
              case 0:                  //mode of normal reception without proc char (like PTS proc)
                  p->rbuf[p->rx_index++] = rx;

              case 1:                  //mode wait for ACK
                  if ((rx & p->hw_mask) == ins)
                      p->moderx = 2;
                  else if ((rx & p->hw_mask) == nack)
                      p->moderx = 4;
                  else if (((rx & 0xF0) == 0x60) || ((rx & 0xF0) == 0x90))
                      if (rx != 0x60)     //in case of error code (SW1/SW2) returned by sim card
                          p->rSW12[p->SWcount++] = rx;
                          p->moderx = 5;
                          p->null_received = 1;
                    p->errorSIM = SIM_ERR_ABNORMAL_CASE2;
                                        //if rx = 0x60 wait for ACK

              case 2:                  //mode reception by block
                  p->rbuf[p->rx_index++] = rx;

                  if(p->expected_data == 256)
                      if (p->rx_index == 0)
                          p->moderx = 5;
                      if (p->rx_index == p->expected_data)
                          p->moderx = 5;

              case 3:                  //mode reception char by char. reception of proc char
                  if ((rx & p->hw_mask) == ins)
                      p->moderx = 2;
                  else if ((rx & p->hw_mask) == nack)
                      p->moderx = 4;
                  }                      //if rx = 0x60 wait for ACK
                  else if (rx == 0x60)
                      p->null_received == 1;

              case 4:                  //mode reception char by char. reception of data
                  p->rbuf[p->rx_index++] = rx;
                  p->moderx = 3;        //switch to receive proc char mode

                  if(p->expected_data == 256)
                      if (p->rx_index == 0)
                          p->moderx = 5;
                      if (p->rx_index == p->expected_data)
                          p->moderx = 5;

              case 5:                  //mode wait for procedure character except NULL
                  if ((rx != 0x60) || (p->SWcount != 0))  //treat NULL character only if arriving before SW1 SW2
                      p->rSW12[p->SWcount++] = rx;
                      p->null_received = 1;

              case 6:                  //give the acknowledge char
                  if (((rx & 0xF0) == 0x60) || ((rx & 0xF0) == 0x90))
                      if (rx != 0x60)       //in case of error code (SW1/SW2) returned by sim card
                          p->rSW12[p->SWcount++] = rx;
                          p->moderx = 5;
                          p->null_received = 1;
                     p->ack = rx;
        p->rxParityErr = 1;

   if ((it & SIM_IT_ITTX) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_TX))
      SIM_dbg_local_count = IQ_FrameCount;
      // check the transmit parity
      stat = p->c->stat;

      if ((stat & SIM_STAT_TXPAR) || ((p->conf1 & SIM_CONF1_CHKPAR) == 0))  //parity disable
         if (p->xOut != (p->xIn - 1))       //if only one char transmitted (already transmitted)
         {                                  //just need to have confirmation of reception
             if (p->xOut == (p->xIn - 2))
                p->c->tx = *(p->xOut);         // transmit

                p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_TXRX;   // return the direction
                p->c->conf1 = p->conf1;

             if (p->xOut < (p->xIn - 2))
                p->c->tx = *(p->xOut);         // transmit
         p->c->tx = *(p->xOut);            // transmit same char
         p->txParityErr++;                 // count number of transmit parity errors

   // Handle errors
   if ((it & SIM_IT_ITOV) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_OV))
      p->errorSIM = SIM_ERR_OVF;
   if ((it & SIM_IT_WT) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_WT))
      p->errorSIM = SIM_ERR_READ;

   // Reset the card in case of NATR to let the program continue
   if ((it & SIM_IT_NATR) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_NATR))
      p->c->cmd = SIM_CMD_STOP;
      p->errorSIM = SIM_ERR_NATR;

#if ((CHIPSET == 2) || (CHIPSET == 3))
   // SIM card insertion / extraction
   if ((it & SIM_IT_CD) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_CD))
      stat = p->c->stat;
      if ((stat & SIM_STAT_CD) != SIM_STAT_CD)
        p->errorSIM = SIM_ERR_NOCARD;

#if ((CHIPSET == 4) || (CHIPSET == 5) || (CHIPSET == 6) || (CHIPSET == 7) || (CHIPSET == 8) || (CHIPSET == 9) || (CHIPSET == 10) || (CHIPSET == 11) || (CHIPSET == 12))
   * SIM_CD_IntHandler
   * Read cause of SIM interrupt :
  void SIM_CD_IntHandler(void)
    volatile unsigned short it_cd, stat;
    SIM_PORT *p;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->rxParityErr = 0;
    it_cd = p->c->it_cd;

    // SIM card insertion / extraction
    if ((it_cd & SIM_IT_CD) && !(p->c->maskit & SIM_MASK_CD))
      stat = p->c->stat;
      if ((stat & SIM_STAT_CD) != SIM_STAT_CD)
        p->errorSIM = SIM_ERR_NOCARD;

// to force this module to be linked
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Dummy(void)
