/************* Revision Controle System Header ************* * GSM Layer 1 software * L1_DYN_DWL_AFUNC.C * * Filename l1_dyn_dwl_afunc.c * Copyright 2004 (C) Texas Instruments * ************* Revision Controle System Header *************/#include "l1_confg.h"#include "l1_types.h"#include "sys_types.h"#include "cust_os.h"#include "l1_macro.h"#include "l1_const.h"#if TESTMODE #include "l1tm_defty.h"#endif#if (AUDIO_TASK == 1) #include "l1audio_const.h" #include "l1audio_cust.h" #include "l1audio_defty.h" #include "l1audio_signa.h"#endif#if (L1_GTT == 1) #include "l1gtt_const.h" #include "l1gtt_defty.h" #include "l1gtt_signa.h"#endif#if (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1) #include "l1_dyn_dwl_msgty.h" #include "l1_dyn_dwl_defty.h" #include "l1_dyn_dwl_proto.h" #include "l1_dyn_dwl_const.h"#endif //L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD#if (L1_MP3 == 1) #include "l1mp3_signa.h" #include "l1mp3_defty.h"#endif //L1_MP3#if (L1_MIDI == 1) #include "l1midi_defty.h"#endif#if (L1_AAC == 1) #include "l1aac_signa.h" #include "l1aac_defty.h"#endif //L1_AAC#include "l1_defty.h"#include "l1_varex.h"#include "l1_msgty.h"#include "l1_proto.h"#include "l1_signa.h"#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>#if (TRACE_TYPE == 1) ||(TRACE_TYPE == 4) || (TRACE_TYPE == 7) || (TESTMODE) #include "l1_trace.h"#endif#if (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1)extern const BOOL primitives_to_patch_matrix[][MAX_NUM_OF_PATCH_IDS];extern const BOOL incompatibility_matrix[][MAX_NUM_OF_PATCH_IDS];extern const BOOL semaphore_matrix[][MAX_NUM_OF_SEMAPHORES];/* table reconstructed from disassembly of TCS211 binary object */const T_SIGNAL_PATCH signal_patch_array[NUM_OF_DYN_DWNLD_PRIMITIVES] ={ {L1C_STOP_DEDICATED_DONE, 0}, #if (L1_GTT == 1) {MMI_GTT_START_REQ, 1}, #endif {MPHC_IMMED_ASSIGN_REQ, 2}, #if (MELODY_E2 == 1) {MMI_MELODY0_E2_START_REQ, 3}, {MMI_MELODY1_E2_START_REQ, 4}, {L1_BACK_MELODY_E2_UNLOAD_INSTRUMENT_CON, 5}, #endif};/* * LoCosto version of L1 has a function called l1_check_flag_for_download_area() * here. TCS211 binary object has l1_handle_particular_cases_for_TCS211() * instead. We are going to reconstruct the TCS211 function based on * disassembly, using the LoCosto version as our starting point. */void l1_handle_particular_cases_for_TCS211(UWORD32 msg_code, BOOL *return_flag){ switch(msg_code) { /* from disassembly */ case MPHC_IMMED_ASSIGN_REQ: /* 0x0033 */ /* code at 0x8e */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.dedicated_stop_flag = FALSE; return; case L1C_STOP_DEDICATED_DONE: /* 0x0081 */ /* code at 0x86 */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.dedicated_stop_flag = TRUE; return; #if (MELODY_E2 == 1) case MMI_MELODY0_E2_START_REQ: /* 0x182E */ /* code at 0x6c */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody0_E2_flag_activated = TRUE; if (l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody1_E2_flag_activated == TRUE) { /* code at 0x80 */ *return_flag = FALSE; return; } return; case MMI_MELODY1_E2_START_REQ: /* 0x1832 */ /* code at 0x56 */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody1_E2_flag_activated = TRUE; if (l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody0_E2_flag_activated == TRUE) { /* code at 0x80 */ *return_flag = FALSE; return; } return; case L1_BACK_MELODY_E2_UNLOAD_INSTRUMENT_CON: /* 0x1866 */ /* code at 0x3e */ if (l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody0_E2_flag_activated == TRUE || l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody1_E2_flag_activated == TRUE) { /* code at 0x80 */ *return_flag = FALSE; return; } return; case L1_MELODY0_E2_STOP_CON: /* 0x1867 */ /* code at 0x36 */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody0_E2_flag_activated = FALSE; return; case L1_MELODY1_E2_STOP_CON: /* 0x1868 */ /* code at 0x2e */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.melody1_E2_flag_activated = FALSE; return; #endif default: return; }}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_does_the_incoming_primitive_trigger_dynamic_dwnld *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : Signal Code of the message, delay flag *//* *//* Return : TRUE if the primitive triggers a dynamic download, FALSE in the other case *//* *//* Description : Check if the primitive triggers a dynamic download; if yes it return TRUE, otherwise FALSE *//* *//* *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */BOOL l1_does_the_incoming_primitive_trigger_dynamic_dwnld(UWORD32 msg_code, BOOL delay_flag){ BOOL return_flag = FALSE; UWORD16 i; for (i=0;i<l1a.dyn_dwnld.num_of_primitives;i++) { if(msg_code == signal_patch_array[i].primitive) return_flag = TRUE; } l1_handle_particular_cases_for_TCS211(msg_code, &return_flag); return return_flag;}/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_lookup_primitive_patch_matrix *//*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : Signal Code of the message, patch_id vector *//* *//* Return : number of patches to download, patch ids vectore (by reference) *//* *//* Description : Retrieves the patch ids to be downloaded and number of patches to download *//* Patch ID is retrieved via look-up in primitives to patch ID matrix *//* *//*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */UWORD16 l1_lookup_primitive_patch_matrix(UWORD32 msg_code, UWORD16* patch_id_p){ UWORD16 j; UWORD16 counter=0; UWORD16 msg_code_id; // Check if one of the messages belongs to the set of primitves which triggers a dynamic download and saves its index#if 0 // LoCosto-ism not present in TCS211 if (!((l1a.state[L1A_GTT_STATE] == 0) || (l1a.state[L1A_GTT_STATE] == 1))) // TTY ON { if(msg_code == MMI_TCH_VOCODER_CFG_REQ) // AND Current_message == VOCODER { // Dont do anything return 0; } }#endif for (j=0;j<NUM_OF_DYN_DWNLD_PRIMITIVES;j++) { if (msg_code == signal_patch_array[j].primitive) msg_code_id = signal_patch_array[j].msg_id; } // Compute the number of elements to be downloaded and their ids for (j=0; j<MAX_NUM_OF_PATCH_IDS; j++) { patch_id_p[j]=0xFFFF; //omaps00090550 ; if(primitives_to_patch_matrix[msg_code_id][j] == 1) { patch_id_p[counter++]=j; } } return counter;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_is_patch_already_installed *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : patch id *//* *//* Return : TRUE patch is already installed, FALSE otherwise *//* *//* Description : Check if the selected patch id is already installed or not*//* *//* *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------- */BOOL l1_is_patch_already_installed (UWORD16 patch_id){ UWORD16 i=0; while(i<l1a.dyn_dwnld.num_patches_installed) { if(l1a.dyn_dwnld.patch_id[i]==patch_id) break; else i++; } if(i<l1a.dyn_dwnld.num_patches_installed) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_is_patch_id_in_uninstall_set *//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : patch id, uninstall address vector, num of uninstall elements *//* *//* Return : TRUE patch is in the set, FALSE otherwise *//* *//* Description : Check if the selected patch id is in the uninstall set or not *//* *//* *//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */BOOL l1_is_patch_id_in_uninstall_set (UWORD16 patch_id, UWORD16 *uninstall_patch_vect, UWORD16 num_of_uninstall_elem){ UWORD16 i; for (i=0;i<num_of_uninstall_elem;i++) { if(patch_id==uninstall_patch_vect[i]) return TRUE; } return FALSE;}/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_manage_patch_incompatibilty *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : num of patch to download, num of uninstalled elements (pointer), uninstall vect *//* Return : TRUE if there is some patch to uninstall, FALSE otherwise. By reference, num of patches to uninstall and their IDs *//* *//* Description : Check if some patch must be uninstalled: in case, retrieves the number of patch to uninstall and their IDs *//* *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */BOOL l1_manage_patch_incompatibilty(UWORD16 num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld, UWORD16 *num_of_uninstall_elem, UWORD16 *uninstall_patch_id_vect){ UWORD16 i,j; UWORD16 patch_id; // Reset values passed by reference *num_of_uninstall_elem=0; for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_OF_PATCH_IDS;j++) uninstall_patch_id_vect[j]=0xFFFF; //omaps00090550 ; // First cycle: for all the patches that must be downloaded for(i=0;i<num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld;i++) { patch_id=l1a.dyn_dwnld.next_patch_id[i]; // Check all incompatibilities for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_OF_PATCH_IDS;j++) { // If patch ID j is incompatible with selected patch id that must be downloaded if(incompatibility_matrix[patch_id][j]==1) { // If patch j is already installed and not yet in the uninstall set if((l1_is_patch_already_installed(j) == TRUE) && (l1_is_patch_id_in_uninstall_set(j,uninstall_patch_id_vect,(*num_of_uninstall_elem))==FALSE)) { // Add patch j in the uninstall set and increase number of uninstall elements uninstall_patch_id_vect[*num_of_uninstall_elem]=j; (*num_of_uninstall_elem)++; } } } } if(*num_of_uninstall_elem==0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}/*----------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_set_semaphores_for_all_state_machines_involved *//*----------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : num of patches to download, *//* Return : none *//* *//* Description : Set semaphores for the state machines impacted *//* *//* *//*----------------------------------------------------------------- */void l1_set_semaphores_for_all_state_machines_involved(UWORD16 num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld, UWORD16* next_patch_id){ UWORD16 i,j, patch_id; for (i=0;i<num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld;i++) { patch_id = next_patch_id[i]; for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_OF_SEMAPHORES;j++) { if(semaphore_matrix[patch_id][j]==1) { l1a.dyn_dwnld.semaphore_vect[j]=RED; } } }}/*----------------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_update_semaphores_for_all_state_machines *//*----------------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : num of patches to download, *//* Return : none *//* *//* Description : Update semaphores for the state machines impacted *//* (DELAY case) *//* *//*----------------------------------------------------------------- */void l1_update_semaphores_for_all_state_machines(UWORD16 num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld){ /* In case of delay the patch which is DELAYED may have been be already installed*/ /* The semaphores that have been raised during the previous dynamic download */ /* for that patch must be updated */ UWORD16 i,j, patch_id; for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_OF_SEMAPHORES;j++) l1a.dyn_dwnld.semaphore_vect[j] = GREEN; for (i=0;i<num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld;i++) { patch_id = l1a.dyn_dwnld.next_patch_id[i]; for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_OF_SEMAPHORES;j++) { if(semaphore_matrix[patch_id][j]==1) { l1a.dyn_dwnld.semaphore_vect[j]=RED; } } }}/*-------------------------------------------------------*//* l1_reset_semaphores *//*-------------------------------------------------------*//* *//* Parameters : none *//* Return : *//* *//* Description : Reset semaphores only for the state machines related to the currently downloaded patches *//* In fact, because of delay, some semaphores can be set for patch that will be downloaded in the follwoing step *//* *//*-------------------------------------------------------*/void l1_reset_semaphores(){ UWORD16 i,j, patch_id; for (i=0;i<l1a.dyn_dwnld.num_of_elem_to_copy;i++) { patch_id = l1a.dyn_dwnld.next_patch_id[i]; for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_OF_SEMAPHORES;j++) { if(semaphore_matrix[patch_id][j]==1) { l1a.dyn_dwnld.semaphore_vect[j]=GREEN; } } }}/* * TCS211 had l1_disable_DSP_trace() and l1_enable_DSP_trace() functions * implemented here in the l1_dyn_dwl code. The LoCosto version of L1 * has l1_{dis,en}able_dsp_trace() instead (note the case difference) * implemented in the l1_trace.c module. The LoCosto versions of these * functions implement more complex logic with nesting, and use more * state variables than are provided in TCS211 L1 data structures which * we cannot change at this early phase of deblobbing. Therefore, * we are going to recreate the simpler logic of the older * l1_{dis,en}able_DSP_trace() functions from disassembly. */void l1_disable_DSP_trace(){#if (CODE_VERSION != SIMULATION) T_NDB_MCU_DSP* dsp_ndb_ptr = (T_NDB_MCU_DSP *) NDB_ADR;#else T_NDB_MCU_DSP* dsp_ndb_ptr = l1s_dsp_com.dsp_ndb_ptr;#endif if (dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_trace_type != 0x0000) { l1a.dyn_dwnld.dsp_trace_level_copy = dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_trace_type; dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_trace_type = (API)0x8000; /* 0x9000 in LoCosto */ l1a.dyn_dwnld.trace_flag_blocked = TRUE; }}void l1_enable_DSP_trace(){#if (CODE_VERSION != SIMULATION) T_NDB_MCU_DSP* dsp_ndb_ptr = (T_NDB_MCU_DSP *) NDB_ADR;#else T_NDB_MCU_DSP* dsp_ndb_ptr = l1s_dsp_com.dsp_ndb_ptr;#endif if ((l1a.dyn_dwnld.trace_flag_blocked == TRUE) && (dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_trace_type == 0x0000)) { l1a.dyn_dwnld.trace_flag_blocked = FALSE; dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_trace_type = (API)l1a.dyn_dwnld.dsp_trace_level_copy | 0x8000; l1a.dyn_dwnld.dsp_trace_level_copy = 0x0000; }}/*---------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_push_Primitive *//*---------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : primitive ID *//* Return : TRUE if push is successful, FALSE otherwise *//* *//* Description : Push primitive ID into DELAY FIFO *//* *//* *//*---------------------------------------------------------- */BOOL l1_push_Primitive(UWORD32 primitive_id){ UWORD32 num_elem = l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.num_of_elem; BOOL return_flag = TRUE; if(num_elem >= MAX_NUM_OF_PATCH_IDS) { return_flag = FALSE; } else { l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.signal_code_vect[num_elem++] = primitive_id; l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.num_of_elem = num_elem; } return return_flag;}/*---------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_pop_Primitive *//*---------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : primitive ID (pointer) *//* Return : TRUE if pop is successful, FALSE otherwise *//* *//* Description : Pop primitive from DELAY FIFO *//* *//* *//*---------------------------------------------------------- */BOOL l1_pop_Primitive(UWORD32 *p_primitive){ UWORD32 primitive_id; UWORD8 ind; UWORD32 num_elem = l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.num_of_elem; BOOL return_flag = TRUE; if(num_elem <= 0) { return_flag = FALSE; } else { primitive_id = l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.signal_code_vect[0]; for (ind = 0;ind<num_elem-1;ind++) l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.signal_code_vect[ind] = l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.signal_code_vect[ind+1]; l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.signal_code_vect[num_elem-1] = 0; l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.num_of_elem = num_elem-1; *p_primitive = primitive_id; } return return_flag;}/*---------------------------------------------------------- *//* l1_check_Fifo_Primitive *//*---------------------------------------------------------- *//* *//* Parameters : none *//* Return : Number of elements in the FIFO *//* *//* Description : Return number of elements in the FIFO *//* *//* *//*---------------------------------------------------------- */UWORD32 l1_check_Fifo_Primitive(){ return l1a.dyn_dwnld.waiting_patch_fifo.num_of_elem;}#endif // L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1