/******************************************************************************* * * File Name : atp_api.h * * External definition for ATP SW entity * * (C) Texas Instruments, all rights reserved * * Version number : 0.1 Date : 28-Feb-2000 * * History : 0.1 - Created by E. Baissus * * * Author : Eric Baissus : e-baissus@ti.com * * (C) Copyright 2000 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved ******************************************************************************/#ifndef ATP_API_H#define ATP_API_H#include "rv/rv_general.h"#include "rvf/rvf_api.h"#include "atp/atp_config.h"#include "atp/atp_cmd.h"typedef T_RV_RET T_ATP_RET;typedef UINT16 T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID;#define ATP_WRONG_SW_ID 0xFFFFtypedef UINT8 T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_NAME[ATP_SW_ENTITY_NAME_MAX_CARAC]; typedef UINT8 * T_ATP_BUFFER;typedef T_RV_RETURN T_ATP_CALLBACK;/* ---------------------------------------------------*//* Definitions related to SW entity registration *//* ---------------------------------------------------*/// Define the command modes : text or interpretedtypedef enum{ TXT_MODE, INTERPRETED_MODE} T_ATP_CMD_MODE;// Define the copy modes : copy is on or offtypedef enum{ COPY_ON, COPY_OFF} T_ATP_COPY_MODE;// Define if the SWE support commands or nottypedef enum{ CMD_SUPPORT_ON, CMD_SUPPORT_OFF} T_ATP_CMD_SUPPORT;// Structure defining the different mode selection of a SW entity which register to the ATPtypedef struct { T_ATP_CMD_SUPPORT cmd_support_mode; T_ATP_CMD_MODE cmd_mode; T_ATP_COPY_MODE cp_mode;} T_ATP_ENTITY_MODE;#define ATP_INVALID_SWE_ID (0xFF)/* ---------------------------------------------------*//* Definitions related to port registration *//* ---------------------------------------------------*/typedef UINT16 T_ATP_PORT_NB; // Need to remain 16 bits in order to fit with SPP (MSB is FLAG SERVER/CLIENT)typedef UINT8 T_ATP_SIGNAL_MASK;typedef UINT8 T_ATP_SIGNAL_CHANGE_MASK;typedef enum{ DCE_CONFIG, // in this configuration, if one of the SW entity is not supporting commands (CMD_SUPPORT_OFF), ATP will automatically emulates a DCE on the port . DTE_CONFIG, // in this configuration, if one of the SW entity is not supporting commands (CMD_SUPPORT_OFF), ATP will automatically emulates a DTE on the port . DATA_CONFIG, // in this configuration, only data can be exchanged on the port. NOT_DEFINED_CONFIG // Configuration defined by the other SWE } T_ATP_PORT_CONFIG;typedef UINT8 T_ATP_RING_TYPE;#define ATP_NO_RING_TYPE (0x00) // the ringing signal is meaningless.#define ATP_VOICE_RING_TYPE (0x01) // the SW entity is only interested in voice calls (i.e Headset).#define ATP_DATA_RING_TYPE (0x02) // the SW entity is only interested in data calls (i.e Dial-Up Networking).#define ATP_FAX_RING_TYPE (0x04) // the SW entity is only interested in fax calls (i.e Fax).typedef struct{ T_ATP_PORT_CONFIG port_config; T_ATP_RING_TYPE ring_type; T_ATP_SIGNAL_MASK signal_mask; T_ATP_DCE_MASK dce_mask;} T_ATP_PORT_INFO;// Structure used to store information when no copy option is selectedtypedef enum{ RX_HEADER_ON, RX_HEADER_OFF} T_ATP_RX_HEADER_MODE;typedef enum{ TX_HEADER_ON, TX_HEADER_OFF} T_ATP_TX_HEADER_MODE;typedef enum{ SEGMENTED_PACKET, NORMAL_PACKET} T_ATP_PACKET_MODE;#define ATP_GET_ALL_EVENTS (0xFFFF)typedef struct{ T_RVF_MB_ID rx_mb; T_RVF_MB_ID tx_mb; T_ATP_TX_HEADER_MODE tx_head_mode; UINT16 tx_head_size; UINT16 tx_trail_size; T_ATP_RX_HEADER_MODE rx_head_mode; UINT16 rx_head_size; UINT16 rx_trail_size; T_ATP_PACKET_MODE packet_mode;} T_ATP_NO_COPY_INFO;// Definition for custom parameterstypedef enum{ ATP_TO_SPP_INFO, ATP_FROM_SPP_INFO, ATP_TO_GSM_INFO, ATP_FROM_GSM_INFO, ATP_TO_RNET_INFO, ATP_FROM_RNET_INFO} T_ATP_CUSTOM_TYPE;/* Custom information used during a new open port response by gsm */typedef struct{ T_ATP_CUSTOM_TYPE custom_type;} T_ATP_CUSTOM_INFO;// open port result definitiontypedef enum{ OPEN_PORT_OK, OPEN_PORT_NOK} T_ATP_OPEN_PORT_RESULT;// definition related to command functionstypedef UINT8 T_ATP_CMD_TYPE;#define AT_CMD (0)#define RESULT_CODE (1)#define UNSOLICITED_RESULT (2)#define INFORMATION_TXT (PRELIMINARY_RESULT_CODE)#define CUSTOM_CMD (4)#define CMD_ABORT (5)#define UNKNOWN (6)#define PRELIMINARY_RESULT_CODE (7)typedef UINT16 T_ATP_CMD_NB;typedef void T_ATP_CMD;typedef char * T_ATP_TXT_CMD;// definition related to signalstypedef UINT8 T_ATP_PORT_SIGNAL;// Signal is unmasked when mask is set to 1#define ATP_RX_FLOW_ON (0x01)#define ATP_RX_FLOW_OFF (0x00)#define ATP_TX_FLOW_ON (0x02)#define ATP_TX_FLOW_OFF (0x00)#define ATP_DTR_DSR_0 (0x00)#define ATP_DTR_DSR_1 (0x04)#define ATP_RTS_CTS_0 (0x00)#define ATP_RTS_CTS_1 (0x08)#define ATP_DCD_1 (0x10)#define ATP_DCD_0 (0x00)#define ATP_RI_1 (0x020)#define ATP_RI_0 (0x00)#define ATP_DTR_DSR_UNMASK (ATP_DTR_DSR_1)#define ATP_RTS_CTS_UNMASK (ATP_RTS_CTS_1)#define ATP_DCD_UNMASK (ATP_DCD_1)#define ATP_RI_UNMASK (ATP_RI_1)#define ATP_RX_FLOW_UNMASK (ATP_RX_FLOW_ON)#define ATP_TX_FLOW_UNMASK (ATP_TX_FLOW_ON)/* Number of signal allowed is defined by */#define ATP_NON_RX_TX_SIGNAL_UNMASK (ATP_DTR_DSR_UNMASK | ATP_RTS_CTS_UNMASK | ATP_DCD_UNMASK | \ ATP_RI_UNMASK)#define ATP_ALL_THE_SIGNAL_UNMASK (ATP_RX_FLOW_UNMASK | ATP_TX_FLOW_UNMASK | \ ATP_NON_RX_TX_SIGNAL_UNMASK) // definition related to port mode and data exchangetypedef enum{ ATP_PORT_DATA_MODE, ATP_PORT_CMD_MODE} T_ATP_PORT_MODE;typedef enum{ ATP_REDIRECT_ON, ATP_REDIRECT_OFF} T_ATP_REDIRECT_MODE;/****************************************************************************** * Function name: atp_reg * * Description : This function is used to register a new SW entity to the ATP entity * Parameters : - name = SW entity name * - return_path => way to send event to the new registered entity, * - mode => supported mode of the new registered entity * - &sw_id_p => pointer on id to use later on to identify the SW entity * * Return : Standard error * RV_OK or RV_MEMORY_ERR (no more entity can register, or prim MB not GREEN) * * History : 0.1 (29-Feb-2000) * : 0.9 (3-May-2000) : reviewed ******************************************************************************/ T_ATP_RET atp_reg(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_NAME name, T_ATP_CALLBACK return_path, T_ATP_ENTITY_MODE mode , T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID * sw_id_p);/****************************************************************************** * Function name: atp_dereg * * Description : This function is used to remove a SW entity to the list of * SW entities registered in ATP. * * Parameters : - sw_id => id of the SWE * * Return : Standard error * RV_OK , * RV_NOT_READY if a port is still open involving the SW entity * RV_NOT_SUPPORTED if sw_id is already de-registered -> ignore call * * History : 0.1 (29-Feb-2000) * : 0.9 (3-May-2000) : reviewed ******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_dereg(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sw_id);/****************************************************************************** * Function name: atp_reg_info * * Description : This function is used to get info on a SWE * * Parameters : - name => name of the SWE to get info on * - return : id of the SWE * - return : SWE mode information * * Return : Standard error * RV_OK , * RV_NOT_SUPPORTED if name has not been found * * History : 0.1 (29-Feb-2000) * : 0.9 (3-May-2000) : reviewed ******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_reg_info(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_NAME name, T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID * sw_id_p, T_ATP_ENTITY_MODE * mode_p);/****************************************************************************** * Function name: atp_free_message * * Description : Generic function service provided to SW entity to free an ATP message * * Parameters : pointer on the buffer * * Return : return of the rvf_free_buf function * * History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created * ******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_free_message(void * buffer_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_open_port_rqst** Description : Initialise a port creation** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_open_port_rqst(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID initiator_id, T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID target_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB port_nb, T_ATP_PORT_INFO port_info, T_ATP_NO_COPY_INFO no_copy_info, T_ATP_CUSTOM_INFO * cust_info_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_open_port_rsp** Description : Response from the target to a open port request** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_open_port_rsp(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID initiator_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB initiator_port_nb, T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID target_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB target_port_nb, T_ATP_PORT_INFO port_info, T_ATP_NO_COPY_INFO no_copy_info, T_ATP_CUSTOM_INFO * custom_info_p, T_ATP_OPEN_PORT_RESULT result);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_close_port** Description : Close a port** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_close_port(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID closer_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB port_nb);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_get_buffer** Description : Generic function service provided to SW entity to free an ATP buffer** Parameters : pointer on the buffer** Return : return of the rvf_free_buf function** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_get_buffer(UINT32 buffer_size,void ** buffer_pp);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_free_buffer** Description : Generic function service provided to SW entity to free an ATP buffer** Parameters : pointer on the buffer** Return : return of the rvf_free_buf function** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_free_buffer(void * buffer_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_send_cmd** Description : Send a command** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_send_cmd(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, T_ATP_CMD_TYPE cmd_type, T_ATP_CMD_NB cmd_nb, T_ATP_CMD * cmd_info_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_send_txt_cmd** Description : Send a command in text format** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_send_txt_cmd(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, T_ATP_CMD_TYPE cmd_type, T_ATP_TXT_CMD text_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_no_copy_send_data** Description : Send data on a port.** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_no_copy_send_data(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, T_ATP_BUFFER atp_buffer_p, UINT32 buffer_size);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_send_data** Description : Send data on a port** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_send_data(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, void * data_buffer_p, UINT32 buffer_size, UINT32 *nb_bytes_left_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_get_data** Description : Copy data in the SW entity buffer** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_get_data(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID receiver_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB receiver_port_nb, UINT8 * data_buffer, UINT32 nb_to_read, UINT32 *nb_read_p, UINT32 *nb_left_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_set_signal** Description : Set modem signals** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_set_signal(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, T_ATP_PORT_SIGNAL signal_value, T_ATP_SIGNAL_CHANGE_MASK signal_mask);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_get_signal** Description : Get signal value of the port** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : RV_OK* RV_INVALID_PARAMETER : one of the id or port_nb was wrong : ignore call** atp_error can be called if MB is RED ** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_get_signal(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB port_nb, T_ATP_PORT_SIGNAL * signal_p);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_set_mode** Description : Change the mode of the port** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : RV_OK* RV_INVALID_PARAMETER : one of the id or port_nb was wrong : ignore call** atp_error can be called if MB is RED ** History : 0.1 (09-May-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_set_mode(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, T_ATP_PORT_MODE mode);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_flow_redirect** Description : Redirect the flow from one port to another one** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : RV_OK* RV_INVALID_PARAMETER : one of the id or port_nb was wrong : ignore call** atp_error can be called if MB is RED ** History : 0.1 (22-May-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_flow_redirect(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB port_nb_1, T_ATP_PORT_NB port_nb_2, T_ATP_REDIRECT_MODE redirect_mode);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_get_buffer_from_tx_mb** Description : Function used to get memory from the tx memory bank of the SWE** Parameters : ** Return : return of the rvf_free_buf function** History : 0.1 (1-Marsh-2000) - Created*******************************************************************************/T_ATP_RET atp_get_buffer_from_tx_mb(T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID sender_sw_id,T_ATP_PORT_NB sender_port_nb, UINT32 buffer_size,void ** buffer_pp);/******************************************************************************* Function name: atp_get_info_on_port_end** Description : Provide information on the other end of the port * (for example, which format of data the other SW entity is expecting ) ** Parameters : see BT9901** Return : RV_OK* RV_INVALID_PARAMETER : one of the id or port_nb was wrong : ignore call* RV_NOT_SUPPORTED : command needed to be translated and was unknow by ATP** atp_error can be called if MB is RED ** History : 0.1 19-Dec-2001* ******************************************************************************/// Structure gathering main information regardinmg NO_COPY mode typedef struct { UINT16 tx_head_size; UINT16 tx_trail_size; UINT16 rx_head_size; UINT16 rx_trail_size; T_ATP_PACKET_MODE packet_mode; // SEGMENTED means that data are stored in segmented buffer. // l2cap_read_uint function must be called to fetch the data // NORMAL means that data are in a single buffer} T_ATP_NO_COPY_PORT_INFO; // Information regarding no copy data processingtypedef struct{ T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_NAME name; T_ATP_ENTITY_MODE mode; T_ATP_NO_COPY_PORT_INFO no_copy_info;} T_ATP_OTHER_PORT_END_INFO;T_ATP_RET atp_get_info_on_port_end (T_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID requester_sw_id, T_ATP_PORT_NB requester_port_nb, T_ATP_OTHER_PORT_END_INFO * other_info_p);#endif