FreeCalypso still alive in 2022

Mychaela Falconia mychaela.falconia at
Mon Apr 11 20:12:17 UTC 2022

Hi David!

> "pure bloods" as you amusingly describe your comrades :-)

I did not invent this term: at least in USA, in this country's
freedom-loving and bodily integrity community, the positive term
pureblood has become preferable to the negative term "unvaccinated".
Likewise with freebreather, for those who don't wear facial
self-suffocation devices.

> Please excuse what is probably a very ill informed question - does what
> you're doing have the potential to piggy back onto the commercial
> infrastructure?

I am not sure exactly what you mean by "commercial infrastructure" in
this context.  If you mean connecting our own GSM BTS sites to the
internal core network of some existing commercial cell service operator
who has no interest in providing their own GSM service (who only spews
out 4G/5G crap), then obviously those operators would never allow us
to connect to any of their stuff.  Therefore, any "protest" GSM network
set up by us (the 2G lover community) will only be able to achieve
outside PSTN connectivity by using a VoIP/SIP trunk service, and the
latter service is also where we would have to buy our external phone
numbers from.

Consider my current Themyscira Wireless setup: right now this prototype
network has no outside connectivity at all (no way to call or send SMS
to the outside world, and no way to receive anything from there), and
each phone connected to the network has only a made-up short number
that is reachable only from other Themyscira phones.  In a later step
I will shop for a VoIP/SIP trunk service provider (I could be using
wrong terminology here - it will be yet another learning curve for me
to climb) for outside connectivity, and I will buy a few (probably 2
or 3) outside phone numbers ("VoIP lines") from them, i.e., real
10-digit phone numbers in the North American numbering plan aka the +1
country code.  I will then need to set up a gateway from my OsmoMSC
instance to this VoIP/SIP service, probably needing my own Asterisk or
FreeSwitch or whatever it is called - more learning curve to climb.
At that point the set of outside phone numbers ("VoIP lines") I buy
from the provider will become available as a sort of pool to my PBX,
and I will then be free to set up any arbitrary association between
these outside numbers and cellular subscribers (SIMs) on my Themyscira
Wireless network.  The possibility will also remain for mobile
subscribers (mostly for testing) that don't have outside numbers given
to them - this way we will always be able to have more active SIMs
than outside lines - but such internal-only mobile subscribers without
outside phone numbers won't be able to call or receive calls from the
outside world.

The one feature that will probably always remain infeasible for us is
roaming interoperability with mainstream commercial operators.
Suppose there is some mainstream commercial operator somewhere who
hasn't fully shut down their GSM/2G service yet - in that case it
would be incredibly wonderful and useful if we could roam on them,
i.e., have our FreeCalypso phones with Themyscira SIMs connect to our
own network while in our own (tiny) Themyscira coverage area, but roam
on whatever commercial 2G services still remain outside.  But then we
are back to the problem of those uncaring and indifferent operators
refusing to cooperate with us: if they are eager to shut down their
own 2G services despite desperate pleas from customers, they certainly
won't be receptive to setting up roaming for 2G phones whose home
operator is someone else.

The only place where "commercial infrastructure" comes into the
picture for our own pirate/protest GSM network (pirate in the sense of
spectrum usage, protest in the sense of insisting on 2G and refusing
to accept 4G/5G technology) is backhaul: for outside connectivity to
whichever VoIP/SIP provider we end up using, and for internal
connectivity between different sites of our own network, if we ever
find another person willing to stick their neck out and set up a
highly illegal pirate BTS as part of our Themyscira network, we will
be using regular public Internet.  At my place I am currently waiting
for Cox business Internet service to be installed: there is an install
visit scheduled for tomorrow, but it is currently uncertain if all
necessary wiring will be accomplished in that scheduled visit, or if I
will need to get an outside handyman for some of the needed wiring

> Also a thought provoked by the particular bunch or pure bloods I know,
> who tend to have as one of several concerns the health dangers of exposure
> to EMF.

Oh yes, I am very familiar with such concerns - the pureblood and
related communities in USA also have plenty of members who are
likewise.  My own approach to this issue is metaphysical: to me the
issue is not the EM waves themselves, but the bits they carry, and
just as importantly, the spiritual/metaphysical connotations of those
bits.  Given how focused I am on older technologies and how opposed I
am to all 4G/5G stuff on purely philosophical grounds, I refuse to
even spend a moment looking up what kind of frequencies and power
levels are used for that 5G crap - and even if I knew the exact
frequencies and power levels, I wouldn't have a clue as to the
purported health dangers.

But I look at the situation from a different angle: whatever physical
effects may be there or not (I don't know and don't really care),
there certainly *is* severe spiritual/metaphysical harm from owning or
using or carrying around a 4G/5G/whatever sheeple phone.  The issue is
*not* whether 5G services are present or not present in your area, but
whether or not you as the end user *accept* those services.  If you
voluntarily sign up for 4G/5G service, if you accept that sheeple
phone and carry it around with you, and if you pay a monthly fee for
the service, effectively confirming your continued voluntary consent
every single month, then on the metaphysical level you are giving your
own *explicit permission* for those evil EMFs to enter your body and
to cause all those harms.  But if you say NO to those carriers trying
to shove you that 4G/5G phone, if you continue using 2G till your very
last breath, or until the very last breath of the last remaining
commercial 2G cell serving your neighbourhood, and if you have the
misfortune of outliving 2G service, if you would rather have no working
cellphone at all than accept one that operates on 4G/5G - then you are
NOT voluntarily submitting to the brainwashing waves, and in my view,
your soul-generated etheric energy field will protect you from whatever
harms may come from whatever 5G signals may be floating in air *if*
you don't voluntarily accept/consent to them.

> You must be exposing yourself to a hefty slice of EMF with the equipment
> you have actually inside your home?

Yes, but it's the "good" kind of EMF, the kind where the technology is
chosen by me according to *my* spiritual and philosophical values, and
where every single bit is controlled by software which I compiled
myself from source, empowering me to fully study, understand, modify
and improve it as I please - how can it possibly harm me?

Standing strong in defiance,

Lady Mychaela Nadezhda Falconia,
Mother of FreeCalypso,
Dame of the Order of 2G,
Champion of Published Source Code

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