FreeCalypso still alive in 2022

David Matthews mail at
Tue Apr 12 07:18:51 UTC 2022


Thanks for taking the trouble with your explanation of the technical stuff. The "social" info is also interesting - I've not heard the use of "purebloods" here in the UK, although there are plenty of people who have refused the jabs - and also people who didn't refuse and wished they had.

Unexpectedly (!) I can offer you a technical suggestion. Years ago, when I was working for a hosting company, my interest in phones was much higher than now - and also I could spin up whatever work supplied VMs/VPS I wanted for free. I played around with Freeswitch. I found it pretty easy to get to grips with (Asterisk is reckoned to be very awkward). I can't remember exactly what I had it doing although it was short of any interfacing that would actually cost money, but I played enough with it to conclude it was a well designed monster. I think I had it talking to Skype, although that's probably no longer possible (for free anyway).

Your take on health issues is also interesting. To my mind the role of one's own attitude/mind is being forgotten, even by the antivaxxers/purebloods that I'm in touch with. I saw a few instances of the nocebo (witchcraft) effect in action when I was in South Africa. Placebo or just having a positive, free of fear attitude is very underrated.

Best wishes

David Matthews
mail at

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