Rescheduling first GSM class session

Mychaela Falconia falcon at
Mon Nov 13 07:31:15 UTC 2023

Hello class,

I did a more thorough test of Jitsi Meet, and indeed there was a recent
change on the platform that broke my setup.  I am using the free-of-cost service for this class, as opposed to a private installation
of Jitsi Meet or BigBlueButton, in order to save cost.  Running either
Jitsi Meet or BBB on a private server would entail me paying monthly
rent on Yet Another server, plus putting even more work on my non-profit
org's already overworked volunteer sysadmin, which won't be cool -
hence I sought to save those costs by using the free-as-in-beer instance.  But the downside with this public service (as
compared to a private instance) is that the owners keep updating it,
and thus creating the possibility that something will break without me
noticing it right away.

Jitsi Meet worked for me on September 17 when I updated Firefox ESR to
the then-latest version to get my webcam working, and I thought
everything was still fine as I had working webcam and mic on Osmocom
organization's BigBlueButton instance as recently as November 1, their
most recent semi-monthly meeting.  But it looks like
underwent some invisible updates between Sep 17 and now, and the part
that broadcasts webcam and mic output to the conference silently quit
working with Firefox version 102.15.1esr from Sep 17.  I just updated
to today's latest Firefox ESR (115.4.0) and it appears to work fine
once again.

Anyways, moving on from this fiasco: I propose that we hold our
rescheduled first class session on Saturday, Nov 25 at 18:00 UTC or
10:00 Pacific Standard Time - same time as before, same Jitsi link.
Would this rescheduled time work for everyone who is interested?

Also for anyone who is interested, I will be giving a presentation
about TI Calypso chipset on Nov 15, on Osmocom organization's
OsmoDevCall platform:

OsmoDevCall is intended (by its owners/creators) as a communication
channel among Osmocom developers, they don't teach any introductory
classes there, which is why I am doing this class series as a separate
venture, independent of Osmocom organization - but OsmoDevCall hosts
do welcome all interested parties to attend, hence if anyone here is
curious, you are welcome to tune in and see/hear me talk on Nov 15.
But please be forewarned that the topic of my Nov 15 presentation is
quite boutique and not related to running your own GSM network - it's
a different aspect of GSM, the world of mobile handset designers rather
than network operators.

Mother Mychaela aka Mrs. Falconia

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